Sunday, 24 February 2013

Just a few photo's of the cello finished in the white and then varnished!

 This photo shows the cello with the finished box (the edgework still needs to be done!)
And the scroll and fingerboard are finished as well. The neck needs to be shaped.
I put them separately in the uv room and varnished them separately.
This was easier to handle as the whole cello would have been quiet big and not so handy to varnish.

This is the result after the ground.
I used nitrite, saffran and oil varnish (rubbed on the surface to seal the grain.)

 This is the colour with one our two coats of home cooked oil varnish.

The back and ribs with also one or two coats of varnish.

This is the finished varnish! at this point i fitted the neck into the body!
Soon some photos of the finished cello with the strings on!

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